The five key features of the Lenovo Ideapad 320

Looking for a simple laptop for work and leisure? The Lenovo Ideapad 320 may be the device you've been waiting for. At first glance, its design is stylish and elegant, thanks to its aluminum casing. This model has a 15.6-inch anti-glare panel and is powered by up to an 8th generation Intel Core i7 processor , along with up to 16 GB of RAM.

Reasons to disable Windows 10 updates and how to do it

Windows 10 is an operating system that works quite well in general, but that is not without problems, especially related to updates. We explain the most important reasons to disable Windows 10 updates , and how to do it in a very simple way.Reasons to disable Windows 10 updatesA priori, it is not recommended to disable Windows 10 updates, since they include many patches to improve the operation of the operating system and its security.

How to fix the main problems with torrent programs

The problem of not downloading torrent files is one of the common problems that users of these types of file-sharing networks may encounter. You can try to solve the problem by following the six steps that we describe below.Give permission to torrent client in Windows Firewall or antivirus softwareOne of the reasons is that the torrent client could be blocked by Windows Firewall or antivirus software.

10 online stores to buy cool t-shirts

What's it like to have a haute couture suit if you can wear a cool t-shirt instead? Before it might have been a bit more complicated, but today we have countless online stores that sell cool t-shirts. You will find them of all kinds, for all tastes and sizes.So all you have to do is choose the right store .

How to permanently delete or close your Yahoo account

The last two years have not been particularly good for Yahoo : more and more users abandon their services to join pages and email accounts  Google , while offering  Yahoo continues to deteriorate gradually. Flickr , the company's flagship application, is also losing momentum as concerns about the security and privacy of content grow among users.

1GB vs 1Gb or why your 1TB hard drive doesn't have 1,000GB

If we ignore the scandal specifications and the mileage figures that different telephone and computer manufacturers usually accustom us to, the bit is the most basic unit of information if we talk about digital devices. When speaking of a binary system (or and 1), a bit is the unit that contains two possible combinations of numbers, and a byte is the set of 8 bits whose figure can hold up to 256 possible combinations of 0 and 1 (that is, 2 raised to 8).

We try to buy and convert Bitcoins into euros and this is what happens

Although it may seem something extraterrestrial, the truth is that operating with cryptocurrencies is the order of the day. Proof of this are the dozens of applications and platforms related to the sale of virtual currencies that have become popular in recent years, such as Coinbase, which today reaches 5 million downloads only on Google Play .

The best cold wave memes to send on WhatsApp

Surely you have noticed the change in temperature. A little over a month ago we were at home, with the fan on, and when we went out we were still wearing shorts and we waited for the night to reach out. From one day to the next, the cold wave has arrived. We have to take out the winter clothes again, put the swimsuits and tank tops away and look, let's see, where we had put the gloves and scarves.

How to uninstall a Chrome extension or plugin

You may have installed it at some point, long ago. And now you no longer need it. We refer to Chrome extensions and also plugins. Small patches that can be added to the browser and that serve to perform certain functions. But they don't always end up serving us.Thus, you may now need to uninstall and permanently remove them from your browser .

How to request the draft of Income 2015 without box 490

Today is the day. The Income 2015 campaign begins in which you, like all taxpayers, will have to submit the return corresponding to last year's fiscal year. At this time in the morning, the website of the Tax Agency that this year has dedicated to Income 2015 is partially blocked, probably due to the large number of requests it has received since early in the morning.

LG OLED B8, we have tested it

When we think of buying an OLED TV one of the first brands that appears in our minds is LG. The Korean manufacturer has been launching televisions with this technology for many years, so it has the widest catalog of televisions with OLED panel. And among them we have a somewhat cheaper model than the rest.

Notifications do not reach the Xiaomi Mi Band: 6 possible solutions

The main function of a smart bracelet, beyond monitoring sleep and physical activity, is precisely to show notifications from the phone. In the case of the Xiaomi Mi Band, the synchronization of the bracelet with Android and iOS is done through the Mi Fit application. Unfortunately, the application has some operating problems that result in the asynchrony of system notifications with the aforementioned bracelet , which means that the bracelet does not show notifications.

How to fix a dead pixel on your screen

The appearance of dead pixels is a problem that occurs quite frequently in all types of devices that include a screen. Monitors, televisions, smartphones, even SmartWatches are the devices most likely to suffer from this type of problem, due to all the works that are running throughout the day. In this article we explain what a dead pixel is, and some simple tricks to try to fix it without spending money.

So you can know if it's going to rain tomorrow

The day of your most important excursion of the year is approaching, and you want to know what the weather will be like because nobody likes the rain. We explain in a very simple way how you can know if it will rain tomorrow , in this way you will not have to carry an umbrella or a raincoat unnecessarily.

How to know the status of a postal shipment

Correos is the most widely used parcel transport company in Spanish. For this reason, many users have the doubt of how they can locate the status of a shipment made with Correos , or of a package that they expect to receive in the next few days. If that's the case, you've come to the right place. Keep reading this post if you want to learn how you can know the status of a shipment with Correos.

How to see the screen of an Android mobile on a computer

Until recently, duplicating the screen of an Android mobile on a computer was something that required third-party software. Nowadays Android already allows us to see the phone screen on a computer with Windows, Linux or Mac. To this we must add the different options of the manufacturers, as is the case of Samsung with Samsung Flow.

The 5 best strategies to win at

Playing is much more than just eating little balls on the map to grow and get to eat the rest of the players. Although that is the mission, carrying it out requires patience and a lot of technique. And, in addition to fighting against lag or game delays , we will have to avoid the strategies of other players who will also try to eat us.