What are the differences between IPS panels and VA panels on LED LCD TVs

The resolution, the brightness, the size of inches, the smart functions… seem to be key when buying a television. But be very careful with the type of panel. And we are not only referring to the technology that illuminates and colors the image, but to how it is formed. Details that, sometimes, go unnoticed by users, and that can totally change the experience of using the salon. B

The 5 keys of the Lenovo IdeaPad 330

If you are looking for a balanced team for work and leisure, the Lenovo Ideapad 330 can be a very interesting option to consider. This model stands out for offering interesting features at an adjusted price, ranging from 400 euros to 600 euros for the higher version. Among its main features we can mention a 15.

2017-2018 school calendar, more than 100 images to download for free

The course has already started. At this point in September, almost all the students in Spain have started their classes. We talk about colleges, institutes and universities. Although those who are pursuing higher education, they may not give the start touch until next October.Be that as it may, the 2017-2018 school calendar must be prepared.

Huawei Y5 2018, characteristics and price of this new entry range

After launching the first mobile phone with a triple camera on the market, the Huawei P20 Pro, the Chinese brand does not want to neglect the input range, those terminals that barely exceed 100 euros and are intended for users who only want their mobile phone for what Basic, that is, check emails and social networks sporadically, take the odd photograph and, of course, make calls clearly and clearly.

What to do when the Tinder app doesn't work

Tinder not working? Can't log in? For some time now, the Tinder servers are suffering a multitude of drops every month. Some users even claim that they have been banned from the application for unknown reasons, not to mention the presence of errors that prevent logging in with the regular user. For all these cases there is no single solution, so we are forced to resort to a series of methods to solve all the errors of Tinder for Android and iOS.

50 useful keyboard shortcuts to master Photoshop

Photoshop is one of the most popular photo editing and retouching programs in the world. It allows making from small changes in the images to letting the imagination fly. However, it is not easy to fully master a program of this size. For this reason, there are many who usually look for tutorials to do the different jobs they need.

Sam goes lentín, the best Valentine's Day memes 2020 to share

Valentine has dawned with more than a thousand memes on Facebook and Twitter. Every February 14, Internet users who boast of their loneliness share dozens of funny memes on different social networks. By tenth? consecutive year, the general motif of the memes has been the famous phrase "Sam goes lentin" , alluding to the character in the play The Lord of the Rings.

5 Nintendo 64 emulators for Android

The Nintendo 64 is one of the most mythical game consoles, and it is well remembered by those of us who were born in the 90s. This console saw gems like GoldenEye 007, Super Mario 64 or The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. In this article we present 5 emulators of the Nintedo 64 so you can enjoy its best games on your Android smartphone or tablet .

How to prevent Skype from reducing system volume when making calls

Skype is one of the most used applications for making calls over the Internet. It is a very popular tool that has been around for many years, so it has had time to mature to offer users the best possible experience. However, nothing is perfect and many users face the problem that the volume on their computer drops noticeably when initiating a call with Skype .

How to customize and change Windows 10 icons

Tired of the look of Windows 10? Or is it too boring for you? Windows 10 is a fairly customizable operating system in its aesthetics. One of the options it offers us is to modify the icons of the operating system and applications. We explain how to change the icons in Windows 10 to give the operating system a much more personalized look.

How to view and retrieve archived emails in Gmail

Like WhatsApp and Telegram, Gmail allows us to archive certain emails and conversations to clean the inbox and thus optimize our workspace. The option in question is found by right-clicking on the email or conversation in question and clicking on the Archive option. We can also resort to the Archive icon that will appear if we leave the mouse date  on the aforementioned.

The solution when the mouse does not work on your Lenovo ThinkPad laptop

Lenovo ThinkPad is a series of computers that is very popular due to the high manufacturing quality that these devices present, as well as other very interesting additions that are not found in other models, such as the joystick. In this article we explain how you can solve in a very simple way, the problem that prevents the mouse from working when it is connected to your Lenovo ThinkPad laptop .

How to download MP3: 15 websites to download YouTube videos

Although applications like Spotify are the order of the day to listen to music, the truth is that there are not few users who choose to download MP3 files directly from external sites. One of the most common options to download MP3s is to use online video converters. Thanks to these, downloading videos from YouTube or from any page is as simple as pasting the URL of the video in question and downloading it in the format we want.

How to make Ares download faster

Ares is one of the oldest programs that we can find to download all kinds of files from the Internet. It is a very similar program eMule, which has lost much of its popularity, but still continues to see a large number of users who use it. We explain some very simple tricks you can use to make Ares download files faster.

Consejos para reducir el tamaño de tus fotos sin perder calidad

Intentar comprimir una foto es uno de los factores más importantes a la hora de subir imágenes a nuestra página web, blog o e-commerce. Si el peso de éstas no se optimiza adecuadamente, consumirá una gran cantidad de recursos del servidor o hosting donde tengas alojada tu web. Por no hablar de que su navegación será mucho más lenta, y tu web puede ser penalizada por Google a la hora de posicionarla en su buscador.Pero est

Login to Facebook: How to Login to Facebook in 2019

Facebook is, along with Instagram and Twitter, the largest and most used social network of the last decade. Precisely due to its size, the web platform and application can generate a series of doubts if we talk about logging in to Facebook through the methods it offers. And to test a button: more than 13,000 people have consulted Google how to enter Facebook or how to log in in the last month.

How to play the mythical PC Soccer and other MS-DOS games from your browser

Do you remember PC Soccer? If you are of a certain age, surely yes. And if you are younger, it is very possible that you have heard of it, since it is a game that marked an entire era. PC Soccer was a sports simulator that focused more on managing a soccer club than on the games themselves. You could play the games, yes, but it wasn't the most interesting thing about the game.

How to save Twitter GIFs from your computer and mobile

Are you a fan of GIFs? Can't live without adding them to all your virtual conversations ? Today we want to unleash (yes, even more) your love for GIFs by telling you how you can download the GIFs you see on Twitter to your computer or phone, to share them - without they are really good - with your colleagues through other applications messaging or your favorite social networks.