Map of North America, over 250 images to download and print for free

If there is a continent of generous dimensions, rich and varied, it is America. North America and South America are lands of contrasts, but they are united by the same continent. Today we have proposed to compile here a collection of maps of America, in multiple formats and for multiple purposes.For example, we have selected political maps, so that you have clear - very clear - where the state of Wisconsin is, physical maps, so that you can locate the Hudson River once and for all and even silent maps, so that, once you have studied all North American geography, do not have a single problem to l

20 Excel invoice templates to download for free

Making invoices may seem like a trivial matter , but when you get involved, things get complicated. If you do not have experience in being a freelancer or entrepreneur and you have not made a bill in your life, it may be that when you have to face this of calculating percentages you will get some good headaches .

How to fix Hotmail login problem with the new Outlook interface

Since February 2013, Microsoft has been trying to migrate Hotmail accounts to the new version of Outlook. In fact, for a while now, the old Hotmail interface is no more. Users who resist and use this email regularly access it through a new context: that of Outlook.The latest step that Microsoft has taken for the unification has made the Hotmail page disappear as such.

A collection of 20 mandala drawings to download and color these days

The coronavirus crisis has caused half the world to retreat into comfort? from their homes. During the last days we have compiled several activities to carry out to kill time during the remaining two weeks of confinement. Exercising at home, watching some of the latest Netflix releases, learning to code… Another no less valid way to pass the time is to color mandalas, a resource originally used to “meditate and calm the spirit”, according to some Indian traditions and Tibetans. This

The 10 best free online antivirus

Windows 10 is a fairly robust operating system when it comes to security, but it still has weaknesses that bad guys can exploit. Viruses are one of the main threats faced by Internet users. Today we present the 10 best free online antivirus to protect your computer.Online antivirus can be very useful, when our operating system has suffered an attack, which has rendered the antivirus that we have installed on the PC useless.

How to find a telephone equivalent to a 901 or 902 pay number

We have all found ourselves in the need, at times, of having to call customer service. When the telephone is free, it is less lazy to face the arid company of dealing with telemarketers or, worse still, machines, which we do not understand. But if the phone is paid, then we already raise our eyebrows.

5 alternatives to MP3 Converter to convert videos to MP3

In response to the various complaints received in relation to the US Digital Millennium Copyright Act, the MP3 Converter website has disappeared from the face of Google and other less popular search engines. After its disappearance, a few months ago, a whole compendium of web pages and online applications has emerged that allow us to convert videos to MP3, whatever the source format (MP4, MOV, WebM, AVI etc.

Mega Link Downloader, how to configure it to download files at full speed

Mega has been one of the main platforms used for downloading and installing all kinds of files over the Internet for many years. In this article we explain how you can get the most out of it, and get the best download speed through the MEGA Link Downloader application .What is MEGA Link DownloaderMEGA Link Downloader is a tool that we can use completely free of charge, to manage the download of files through Mega , in the most efficient way possible.

Cómo girar solo una página en Word

Microsoft Word es un procesador de textos que nos permite cambiar la orientación de nuestros documentos de vertical a horizontal de una forma muy sencilla, aunque tiene el inconveniente de que esta función voltear a todas las páginas de nuestro documento de forma predeterminada. Te enseñamos a poner en horizontal una sola página de Word de una forma muy sencilla.Un de

My mobile does not connect to the home WiFi: 5 possible solutions

"Because my mobile does not connect to the wifi at home", "my mobile does not connect to the wifi authentication error", "my mobile detects the wifi but does not connect" ... These and many other queries are some of the searches that more visits accumulate in Google. And it is that although it may seem a rare problem, the truth is that the WiFi network in our house can present errors that lead to the disconnection of the devices that we have previously connected.

Los 10 mejores procesadores de texto gratuitos

Microsoft Office es el mejor paquete de ofimática que podemos encontrar, pero tiene un inconveniente bastante importante. Es una herramienta de pago, que además tiene un precio bastante elevado. Esto se traduce en que muchos usuarios no pueden acceder a la suite de Microsoft, viéndose obligados a buscar alternativas más económicas o incluso gratuitas. En e

Is a USB WiFi adapter worth it?

There are currently two ways that we can use to connect to an Internet network. The first and most classic of them is to use an Ethernet network cable. The second way is quite modern, and involves the use of WiFi wireless technology. In this article we analyze whether it is worth using a USB WiFi adapter .

Convert DVD to MP4 on Windows 10 with this simple trick

Although DVDs have fallen into disuse since the popularization of platforms such as Netflix or HBO, there is still a market that prefers a physical medium to a digital one. Exchanging both media is something that usually requires specialized software. Fortunately, converting DVD to MP4, AVI, MKV and other less traditional formats is extremely easy today.

Funny and joking messages to congratulate Christmas on WhatsApp

Christmas is coming and almost everyone has someone to congratulate the holidays. And there are many ways to do it, from special Christmas memes to GIF images. However, if we don't want to waste too much time, we can simply send a somewhat more original phrase than simply saying Merry Christmas. There are many phrases that we can find on the net.

My experience with the Oppo A9 2020 after three weeks of use

At the end of last year, Oppo launched the renewal of its mid-range. The Oppo A9 2020 is the best exponent of the company within the range of 200 euros. A priori, the phone does not keep many differences with its predecessor, especially if we talk about the design. The terminal improves some of the shortcomings of the original model by sacrificing some features along the way, as is the case with the screen.

Los mejores gestores gratis de correo electrónico

El correo electrónico es una de las herramientas más utilizadas en la actualidad, por lo que, para muchos usuarios, es imprescindible contar con un gestor de correos completo que les ofrezca todo lo que necesitan. En este artículo te presentamos los mejores programas gratuitos, que puedes utilizar para gestionar tus correos electrónicos, de una forma muy cómoda y sencilla.Thund