Solution to Device Descriptor Request Error 43 in Windows 10

"Unknown USB device", "Invalid device descriptor on USB", "Device descriptor request error in Windows 10" and "Error 43" are some of the searches related to a very typical error in Windows 10 and other systems from Microsoft such as Windows 8 and Windows 7. Both the source and the solution of the error vary depending on the affected USB device.

Back to school, more than 100 schedules tables and templates to print

If there is something that goes hand in hand with going back to school, it is the organization. Without organization there is no successful return, so at this point, you should get down to work as soon as possible to synchronize your children's school schedules with yours and, logically, those of all the extracurricular activities that you have planned.

How to fix MSVCR120.dll file missing error on Windows

One of the most common errors in Windows 10, Windows 7, and Windows 8, along with the DXD9_39.dll, XINPUT1_3.dll, MSVCR110.dll, and MSVCP140.dll errors, is the MSVCR120.dll error . Generally, this error is displayed as a pop-up window with the message “The program cannot start because MSVCR120.dll is missing from the computer. T

How to download a Spotify playlist

Do you have Spotify full of playlists, but you don't have a connection or you don't want to spend data to access them? Did you know that you have the possibility to download them in MP3 format ? Whether you want to listen to your favorite music from your mobile or on your computer, doing so will not cost you at all.

8 free employee scheduling programs and apps

Now that the new law to control the hours of workers and employees of different companies has come into force, a multitude of control programs of hours worked to register at work have appeared on Windows, Android and iPhone. These programs go beyond a simple control of employees' hours through Excel, with a multitude of options that allow to sign in the different workers and export tables with the hours worked.

50 images of mandalas for children to download and print

Coloring is no longer just for children. In recent years we have seen new techniques of relaxation, inspiration and mindfulness  become popular through artistic creation, painting and coloring activities. Above all, through mandalas . Surely you have heard of it and, most likely, you have even tried it.

Más de 100 imágenes y mapas de rí­os de España

España es un paí­s nutrido por los rí­os, alfuentes y embalses. Cada comunidad autónoma cuenta con varios. Pero lo cierto es que los más grandes pueden pasar por distintas provincias e incluso llegar a otro paí­s. El Tajo es una de estas corrientes naturales de agua.Es el más largo de la pení­nsula ibérica, porque de hecho nace en la sierra de Albarrací­n (Teruel) y desemboca en el océano Atlántico, en la ciudad de Lisboa. Pasa por cuatro

40 free resume templates to fill out in Word

The Curriculum Vitae is the gateway to apply for any job on offer. Beyond the work experience or the academic qualification that we have, this document acts as a cover letter to make our profile known to companies and professionals in the sector. Unfortunately, not everyone has the knowledge or the right tools to create a Curriculum, such as Photoshop or Illustrator.

5 Websites to Download YouTube Videos That Work in 2020

"YouTube to MP3", "Download YouTube videos", "Convert YouTube to MP4" ... The number of search intentions related to downloading YouTube videos is increasing. The number of web pages that today work correctly due to the platform's copyright policies are not. Most have limitations that interfere with the final quality of the video or the overall length of the clip.

Todas las funciones y combinaciones de la tecla CTRL en Windows

Forma parte de nuestros teclados desde siempre. Es, aunque no lo pares a pensar, una tecla sin la que ya no podrí­as vivir. Hablamos de la tecla CTRL o Control, una de las denominadas “modificadoras”, que nos permite llevar a cabo determinadas acciones bastante más rápido, que si tuviéramos usar los menús tradicionales.De hecho,

I can't get into Facebook: troubleshooting login issues

Facebook's track record of service outages in the past month has been disastrous. There have been two occasions in which the servers of the well-known social network have suffered a global drop that has affected practically all parts of the world. This is not to say that all Facebook login problems have to do with server crashes .

5 Websites to Convert YouTube Videos to MP3 That Work in 2020

Despite the popularization of platforms such as Spotify, there are not exactly few users who continue to bet on a local music format without depending on the Internet or third-party services. Currently there are many websites that promise to convert YouTube videos to MP3. Unfortunately, a large part of these web pages have been closed or suspended due to claims from the platform itself.

Cómo descargar vídeos de Vimeo sin usar programas

YouTube es la plataforma reina para consumir vídeos, pero no es la única. En Internet podemos encontrar muchos otros portales en los que poder ver los vídeos más interesantes y divertidos, además de mucho contenido educativo. Vimeo es una de las principales alternativas a YouTube, hoy te explicamos cómo puedes descargar vídeos desde esta plataforma sin usar programas.Lo que

10 free programs to delete duplicate files

The increasing popularity of SSD storage drives has led to a decrease in the storage capacity of many computers. Users have found that it is very worth sacrificing a bit of storage space in favor of the higher speed that SSDs offer compared to mechanical hard drives.With less capacity, it is easier for duplicate files to end up consuming a significant part of your SSD's capacity.