USB to HDMI adapters: do they work or are they scam?

For some time now, Amazon, eBay and many other online stores are offering products that are promoted as "USB to HDMI adapters." Far from traditional VGA, DVI, Display Port and HDMI adapters, these types of adapters promise to “get the image from a USB port to a monitor or television with an HDMI connection. D

5 best free programs to back up your PC

Having a backup of our important files is a highly recommended security measure. The hard disk of our computer can suffer many damages, and with them we can lose our most valuable data. We propose 5 programs to make backup copies or backups of your computer for free.The following backup programs are for Windows, if you are looking for a solution for your smartphone you can watch this video :EaseUS Todo BackupEaseUS Todo Backup is one of the most popular applications for making backup copies of the contents of a computer's hard drive.

How to know who calls me on the phone, the 5 best websites

Calls from unknown numbers are becoming more common. Many companies are desperately seeking to sell their services, so they end up calling everyone to see who's biting the bait. We show you five pages that you can use to find out who is calling you on the phone , very useful to identify spam.Identifying who owns an unknown number that has called us is much easier now than it was a few years ago.

How to buy Amazon USA products from the United States in Spain

Amazon USA, or what is the same, Amazon in the United States, is the Amazon store with the largest number of products. Compared to Amazon Spain, the company has several million more items than its counterpart in the country of Cervantes. Fortunately, the company allows you to buy Amazon products in the United States from Spain , although it is only compatible with a series of limited items.

10 memes to wish Happy New Year 2017 by WhatsApp

While we are living the last minutes of 2016, it is time to review what the last 12 months have been. But above all, they are also days of family, of friends that you have not seen for a long time and it is even the perfect opportunity to recover those friendships that have gone to the background in recent years.

All commands and keyboard shortcuts for Microsoft Excel

Like Word and PowerPoint, Microsoft Excel has countless commands and keyboard shortcuts that allow us to automate a series of actions to avoid the use of the mouse . From functions as simple as copying and pasting data to inserting functions or modifying the format of a certain cell. Weeks ago we showed how to change the Excel date format to Spanish mode.

The most common video formats and their characteristics

There are many different video formats, each one with different characteristics that make them more suitable for one type of use or another. Whether you want to record a video to upload to YouTube, or create a home movie, you will find a video format that best suits your needs. In this article we explain the different video formats that you can find, and their most important characteristics.

How to copy text from an image

Manually copying the text that appears on images can be a very cumbersome task. That is why we have written this article, in which we talk about the main tools that we can use to copy the text of an image very quickly and comfortably, both on mobile devices and on computers.Copy Text On ScreenCopy Text On Screen is an application for Android that we can download for free from Google Play.

20 funny memes and GIFs to celebrate Father's Day

Tomorrow is Father's Day, a good reason for all of us to have a nice detail with a person who put up with us throughout our childhood, adolescence and, why not, during part of our adult life. As a complement to the great gift that you are going to give her (because you will give her a gift, right?) We have for you a great selection of memes and GIFs for Father's Day, to make her day a little more special and fun.

How to make a timeline with Word

The timelines are a very useful resource when displaying information in a very visual way. The current trend is to use texts less and less, so it is essential that we learn to use this type of graphic resources. Today we explain how you can create a timeline in a very simple way using Microsoft Word.

Ono email closes, how to pass emails to Gmail or Outlook

Ono's mail closes. Vodafone has decided to suspend this email service and you will soon no longer be able to access the domain through the platform . Fortunately, there is an option to be able to forward all emails from Ono's webmail to another mail server, such as Gmail or Outlook. So you can do it.

10 sports anime to watch in 2019

Do you like sports anime? We propose no less than 11 sports animes that you can enjoy this year 2019. You will find proposals for each of the most popular sports.Slam dunkSlam Dunk 4 is the best basketball anime we can find, and one of the best sports in general. The protagonist is Hanamichi Sakuragi who decides to join his high school's basketball team to win the girl he likes.

10 websites to modify a PDF document online for free

We normally use PDF documents because they cannot be edited as easily as a Word file. Normally, you have to have the paid version of Adobe.However, you already know that in computer science there are always those who invent tricks to do everything that in principle is impossible. But modifying a PDF document online for free is easier than it sounds .

We tried Lookiero, an online personal shopper for 10 euros

Before, we didn't need personal assistants. We relied on our own judgment to buy fashionable jeans and a T-shirt. What happens now?  Well, we are busy in a thousand and one matters. There are infinite trends and we have a fever, a lot of fever, of consumption.As if this were not enough: we live online .

5 aplicaciones para gastar bromas telefónicas gratis

¿Quieres gastar un a broma telefónica a uno de tus amigos? Sin duda puede ser una buena forma de dar un poco de humor a una fiesta de cumpleaños que estaba siendo demasiado formal.  Te proponemos 5 aplicaciones con las que podrás gastar tus mejores bromas telefónicas gratis. Todas ellas tienen un funcionamiento muy similar y sencillo, te permitirán escoger entre varios tipos de bromas, y podrás grabarla para no olvidar nunca el momento.Juasapp

Avast vs Windows Defender Which antivirus is better?

Choosing an antivirus software is one of the most important tasks for users of Microsoft's Windows operating systems, including the latest version of Windows 10. In this article we will focus on the comparison between Avast and Windows Defender , two of the most free antivirus solutions. popular that we can find for many reasons.

10 online stores to buy books

Book Day (Sant Jordi in Catalunya) is here. There are only a few days left until we celebrate this precious day, which commemorates the death of two key writers of literature. On the one hand, our Miguel de Cervantes; on the other, the magnificent William Shakespeare.This April 23 we will buy many books .

I cannot enter Gmail: solution to login problems

Gmail is the most widely used email service in the world. It is a platform owned by Google, which has been on the market for many years, and has managed to outperform the rest of the alternative race such as Microsoft's Outlook. In this article we explain what are the most common login problems in Gmail, and the easiest way to solve them.