9 alternatives to the Pirate Bay to download torrent files

The Pirate Bay, despite being the most popular torrent download page on the Internet, is the most vetoed by the various governments in their respective countries. This is the reason why we will need a proxy to enter from our country. Fortunately, there are many alternatives to The Pirate Bay to download Torrent files , and they have nothing to envy when it comes to cataloging the aforementioned download website.

10 alternatives to TorrentZ2.eu to download Torrent in 2019

TorrentZ2.eu, better known as TorrentZ2 or TorrentZ to dry, is one of the most popular torrent download portals of 2019. Unfortunately, and as it is already common in most countries, the website suffers a block that prevents its access from some IP addresses from the countries where it is blocked. Fortunately, the number of alternatives to TorrentZ2.

10 + 1 trucos para convertirse en un maestro del correo de Hotmail Outlook

¿Eres de los que sigue prefiriendo el clásico correo de Microsoft al de Google? ¿O de los que tiene que usar Outlook (el antiguo Hotmail) en lugar de Gmail por su trabajo? Pues no te pierdas esta serie de trucos para hacer que tu gestión de correos sea más cómoda, personalizada y fácil. Y es que hay muchas herramientas que deberías conocer de Hotmail/Outlook que te pueden ayudar en tu día a día.1. Cómo us

5 extensions to download YouTube videos with Chrome

In this post, we present 5 Chrome extensions that you can use to download videos from a multitude of Internet platforms. In this way you will save yourself the need to install programs on your computer, or use specific web services to download the videos.Video DownloadHelperVideo DownloadHelper is one of the extensions, that we can use completely free of charge, to download our favorite videos from the Internet, from the Google Chrome browser.

Los 10 mejores animes de amor y románticos

El anime es una de las mejores formas de pasar el tiempo libre en nuestras vacaciones. Podemos encontrar multitud de historias para todos los gustos. En este post te ofrecemos 10 series anime de amor y romanticismo que no te dejarán indiferente. ¿Estas preparado? Empezamos.Golden TimeEsta historia se centra en Tada Banri, un estudiante con amnesia que ha perdido los recuerdos sobre su pasado y su pueblo natal. E

¿La llamada a 900 es gratis? Precio por minuto del prefijo 900

A pesar de que el prefijo 900 tiene ya unos años, a día de hoy “900 es gratis”, “telf 900 es gratis” o “tlf 900 es gratis” siguen siendo búsquedas muy solicitadas en Google por los distintos usuarios. La razón de ello se debe a que el prefijo en cuestión convive con otros prefijos similares como el 901, 902 o el 905. A principios de

How to activate and use Flash Player in Google Chrome

Google drove another nail in the coffin of Flash Player with the arrival of Chrome 76, which blocks all Flash content on websites by default. However, if you still need to use Flash, you can reactivate it for now in a very simple way in the Google web browser. We explain how to do it step by step.Activate Flash Player in Google Chrome in a very simple wayFlash is not completely lost yet.

Is Viagogo reliable? 4 reasons why and 5 reasons why not

"Is Viagogo reliable?", "Is it safe to buy tickets on Viagogo?", "Is Viagogo a scam?", "Is Viagogo a fraud?" … These and many other queries are made daily by many users on the networks. Viagogo, an acronym that gives its name to one of the largest ticket sales portals in the world, has received many criticisms in recent months about the veracity of the tickets and the price of the tickets. A

Is it possible to hack WhatsApp in 2020? 9 truths and lies

"Hack WhatsApp for real", "How to hack WhatsApp without them realizing it for free", "Spying on WhatsApp online", "Hacking WhatsApp is possible" ... Today, dozens of searches flood Google, Bing and other minority search engines with a single intention, to spy or hack WhatsApp. Around these searches there is a whole compendium of pages that promise to steal the WhatsApp account of third parties.

7 applications to defragment a hard drive more efficiently

One problem with mechanical hard drives is file fragmentation with use. This is something that is aggravated in the case of Windows by the way its file system works, and that makes our PC slower with each passing day. We present you 7 applications to defragment a hard drive more efficiently than with the Windows defragmenter.

100 free wedding invitation templates to download and print

When it comes to organizing a wedding, everything is hassle. You have to choose many things: boyfriend, dress, suit, flowers, banquet ... If you are one of those who have decided to immerse yourself in this adventure of cyclopean dimensions, you should know that it will be difficult for you to get out of the mess alive.

Over 100 printable label templates for back to school

We fully entered the last week of August and with it, we immersed ourselves directly in the return to school. You have to prepare textbooks, school supplies and with all this (don't forget) label all the objects of your sons and daughters so they don't lose them.Just a few days ago we told you that there are different online services to order your personalized labels on request.

Sudoku, más de 350 imágenes para jugar e imprimir

Si eres un fan de los pasatiempos y un auténtico cerebrito en esto de las matemáticas, estamos seguros de que no puedes resistirte al sudoku. Su nombre ha sido exportado directamente del japonés sÅ«doku y lo cierto es que no se trata de un juego demasiado antiguo.Nació en 1970, aunque no se hizo verdaderamente popular, en Japón, en 1986. Más ad

10 pages to download comics for free

Comics are not the most popular leftovers in Spain, but there are a large number of users who are fond of these graphic comics. We offer you 9 websites where you can find and download comics for free. A great opportunity to complete your collection with works that have already disappeared from stores.

How to fix MSVCP100.dll file missing error in Windows 10

One of the most common errors, along with the error related to the MSVCP140.dll file and the VCRUNTIME140.dll file, is the MSVCP100.dl error . This error usually appears in the form of a pop-up window when executing a certain program with the message “The program cannot be started because msvcp100.dl

How to improve a photo with poor quality via the web

The quality of the images can be a real nightmare . Especially if this is not good enough and we have no alternative to use other photographs. In recent times, there have been some projects that could be used to improve the appearance of low resolution images. Without going any further, Google itself already has its own technology to recover pixelated photos.

Bytefence Antimalware, what it is and how to remove it

Bytefence is a paid antivirus software that offers a free version. This application is developed by the company Byte Technologies, and it may have ended up being installed on your PC without you noticing. We explain what Bytefense is and how you can eliminate it in a simple way.Why do you have Bytefende installed on your PCSurely you have noticed a curious fact when installing a free program on your PC.